Kamis, 05 Februari 2009

[hobbyclub] (NUJU) OBAT PELANGSING PALING TOKCER : Meizitang Botanical Slimming Capsule

OBAT PELANGSING PALING TOKCER : Meizitang Botanical Slimming Capsule

Langsung melangsingkan seluruh badan, perut,lengan dan paha.
Tanpa Cream. Tanpa DiMassage. Tanpa Operasi. Tanpa Diet Ketat.
Tanpa Suntik. Tanpa Mencret. Tanpa Olah Raga Berat.
100% Ramuan Alami..

HANYA DALAM 3 HARI LANGSUNG KELIHATAN HASILNYA. Pelangsing tercepat didunia international 100% alami tanpa Efek samping apa-apa.
Sehari 1 kapsul diminum pagi hari sebelum sarapan dengan air hangat.
Dalam 1 bulan turun 10-20.
Isi 36 Capsul Utk 36 hari Bisa Menurunkan Berat Badan Dengan CEPAT.

Harga Discount:
Rp. 390.000/box (Isi 36 Capsul utk 36 hari)
(FREE Ongkir Jabodetabek)

Ingredients :
Kola, guar gum, alfalfa, Perilla frutescens, Atractylone, oriental water plantain, cassia seed, kendyr.



Slimming by natural plant is the most popular slimming method around the globe. This product selects the natural plants that have been acknowledged by the Dai minorities of Yunnan to have the beautifying and slimming effects. With the Traditional Chinese medicine theory, this plants include: Kola fruit, cyamoposis gum, alfalfa together with atractylodes rhizome, lotus leaf, astragalus root, oriental water plantain, dogbane leaf and other 11 kinds of precious Chinese medicine, which could adjust body's function comprehensively in full aspects through their functions of invigorating qi, lowing-down blood fat, removing dampness by diuresis, invigorating the circulation of blood and absorbing clots in order to gain the slimming aim. No necessity to go on a diet, and no rebounding.
Safety Information
* Mizitang Botanical Zisu Slimming Capsules are not applicable for people younger than 16 Years Old or older than 65 Years Old (Hanya untuk orang-orang berumur 16 – 85 tahun)
* Not for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. (Ibu hamil dan menyusui dilarang minum Meizitang)
* Do not take Slimming Capsules if you have high blood pressure, cardio -vascular disease or apoplexy, kidney or liver dysfunctions. (Jangan mengkonsumsi obat pelangsing apabila anda menderita darah tinggi, penyakit syaraf atau epilepsi, serta kelainan hati dan ginjal)

Q : Lokasi dimana ?
A : Jakarta

Q : Barangnya asli ngga ?
A : Barang dijamin asli kok. Karena barang ini diimport langsung ama temen gue, dan selama ini belon ada komplain.

Q : Cara minumnya gimana ?
A : Diminum 1 hari 1x aja dengan menggunakan air hangat…JANGAN LEBIH ya. Diminum sebelum atau sesudah sarapan (lebih bagus kalau sebelum sarapan, tapi untuk yang sensitif sebaiknya diminum sesudah sarapan)

Q : 1 Box isinya berapa kapsul ?
A : 1 box = 36 kapsul…jadi bisa buat 36 hari lho.

Q : Apa pasti 1 bulan turun 10-20 kg
A : Untuk sistem tubuh yang metabolisme-nya bagus bisa turun 10-20 kg. Tapi tidak semua orang harus mutlak turun 10-20 kg. Ada juga yang 1 bulan turun 5-7 kg. jadi semua kembali ke kondisi masing2 tubuh.

Q : Apa semua orang bisa minum ini ?
A : Tidak…ada larangan bagi orang2 tertentu, yaitu cewe dibawah usia 18 tahun atau diatas 65 tahun, cewe yg sedang hamil atau menyusui, yg mengidap penyakit tekanan darah tinggi, penyakit jantung, penyakit liver/ginjal, ato penyakit kronik lainnya.

How to take Meizitang Slimming Capsules :
* 1 capsule a day before or after breakfast. (the effect will be better when taking the capsule before breakfast)
Do not take more capsules than recommended.
* Drink more water and eat more fruit if thirsty (not enough pure water in your body reduces the body's glucose level in the blood, which causes weakness and dizziness).
* Do not skip meals (especially breakfast or lunch). It is important while taking this product to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, including pure water and natural juices.
* Do not consume alcohol while taking Meizitang Botanical Zisu Slimming Capsules. It may neutralize the effectiveness of the slimming process.

Mechanism of Action :
1. Under the guide of modern nutriology theory, this product maintains the normal diet status according to different stages of slimming, promoting the principle of "full up and keep a good table, health slimming" and trying to achieve the following: No anorexia, no acratia, no diarrhea, no necessity to avoid certain food, no necessity to go on a diet, no rebounding, and directional slimming.
2. The kola fruit only reduces fat while protects muscle and moisture. It first reduce the part of waist and abdomen to enable the whole body's cells gain equipoising nutrition and restore the metabolization of fat cells in order to cut off the slimming rebounding root completely. You could gain a faster slimming effects while being full of vigor and possessing more lustering skin through the cell nutrition technology's function of improving metabolism and adjusting incretion.
3. The cyamoposis gum could activate smooth muscle cells of stomach, enabling them to produce elasticity and restoring the normal capacity of stomach while restraining engorgement. The metabolization is restored to normal level and fat is hard to be accumulated due to the cell has gained its normal shape as the fat in the fat cell has been burned.
4. Lotus leaf, Atractylone, oriental water plantain, cassia seed, hawkthorn, etc can reduce the blood fattiness to lose weight, so that it can restrain appetite, avoid tummy and other side effects. Gardenia can promote hydrolyze of the fattiness; Roots of kudzu vine can reduce the fattiness cells.

Three characteristics: Decrease the formation and absorption of the fattiness dilute and burn fattiness efficiently nutritional, safe, no tummy, no rebounded.

Untuk pemesanan hubungi (Reseller is welcome ) Yen Yen
0819 - 11798837
Email : Yen2blue@yahoo.co.id

Testimoni dari yang sudah membeli :

testimonial dari saya..

tadi pagi baru coba dengan air hangat..wah dalam 3 jam langsung terasa haus n tumbennya ga lapar sama sekali
biasanya pagi kan udah minta jatah makan..kali ini saya ampe maksain diri buat makan nasi plus jamur..paling juga 5 suap udah kenyang

n dikampus..seharian dari jam setangh 9 ampe jam 3 ga lapar..karena takut tubuh drop jadi lagi2 saya paksain makan takoyaki..ampe dirumah belum makan lagi ne

yang laen gmn? yang udah coba testi ya
ya pokoknya mantap bgt ^^
Barusan aj saya minum obatnya 30mnt lalu.. lum terasa apa2 si cm skrg jadi agak haus...
Oiya mau kasitau jg emang bener sesuai yg sis bilang kalo batas expirednya masi ada 2thn lagi ampe 2010 jadi yg mau pesen silakan..

Pengirimannya cepet.. Recomended Seller

TOP! ptama kli mau minum rada ragu coz lg puasa, tp nekad aja d nyobain minum ni obat pas saur..hasilnya? sharian ga laper sama skali..ktnya kan aus ya, tp aku ga aus sama skali jugatu..anehnya badan juga ga lemes..horeeeee..seneng deh!btw sellerny ok bgt, recommended d!
3 hari yang lalu udah terima barangnya n langsung coba....
ga pake lama ...!!!

ternyata WOW
bener2 WORK nih mei zi tang!
3 hari ini gw turun sebanyak 1 kg lebih dikit(males liatin garis2 kecil d timbangan)hehe2...

wajarlah gw turun
makan aja maless...

liat makanan maless...
jadi sekalian nemenin temen2 kampus gw yang puasa dah....
padahal gw ga puasa....
pagi minum...meizitang

makan lagi pas buka puasa...
bareng tmn2 yg puasa...
tapi pada makan sebakul gw makan normal2 aja

udah 3 hari coba n ternyata bener jd gak terlalu nafsu makan
minumnya jd banyak, kaya kuda d :-)
aduhhh kaya ikan mas nih aku,..1 jam minum terus tp ga terasa kelempokan minum air,..HUAAUUUSSSS teruss,...tp hasilnya blm seh,baru 2 hari hehehe

minum terusssssssss,..


tp perut kenyang terus n males bgt ngemil,..gw ada maag juga ga sakit,padahal makan cuman pagi aja,..

uid.. ni testY lg..

setelaH coba produk na..

minum 1x..

pagi ga mam..
biz itUh mam siang 1x,
sore- ampe bsok na ga laper2 lg..[ga mam sore n malem]
(pdahal aku orG nya doyan mkn. klo liad ada mkanan apa, psti mao coba ~___~!!)
tp pas coba ni produk, naPSu mkn jd ktahaN gtuh ^^
waH.. enk ni diet ky gini!
ga Pucing, ga lemes, ga mUles2..
bner tuh apa yg d bilang ma yg juaL =D
coz aku da buktiin !! ^ ^
ga bikin mUles2 n ga bolak balik wc puLA ^^
paling jd haus gtu, mnum aer putih deh..
bdn jd sehaT jg.. hahaha..
k wc paling klo mo pipis doank..
tp ga sering2 kok pi2s na..
(kan ribet klo tiap x bolak balik wc, huhu)

anyway tQ yah sis produk na mantap loh..
TAr perkembangan nya aku ksi tau laGi yah.
minggu dpn mngkn^^

bagi yG LAin(Yg oVerweight)/ ngerasa akhir2 ni rada buNdaR,
ga ada salaH nya coba ni produk ^^
Hrga terjangkau..
drpd ke slimming centre maHAl2?

playanan nya juga ok loH.. ^ ^
abis transfer,bRG cepet ampe + yg jual jg bae..
aLow, misi.. mao add cOmment lg bole ga?
bis aku Puas bgt sih ma Hsil na^^
aku mNum 4 hr tuRun 2Kg!! (cm duduk n main komp doank d rumah)
duH sEnenG nya.. Hikss..
ReKor bagi aku dlm 4 gr bs 2kG turun.
sbLom mnum ni obat mah,da diet, daH fitness.
1 bulan pling turUn na cm 1-1,5kg.T_T
daH cape tahan laper+olaHraga,tetep lama turuN nya. (byk OLAhraga, byk puLa mKn nya. haha)
bis yg nm nya disipLin diet tuh susah!
yg tar d aJk tmn mkN k resto ini lah- itulah.
oh diet kuw tgl knangan T_T

g mNum ni obat, asli ga Laper/ ngiler lg klo liad mkanan.. hahaha..
Liad dOnat Jco dah ky liad lalat lewat,ga berarti.ha3,, dLu mah, psti kpngen mkn.

klo ke mall , pasti cari2 makanan enk yG bs d mkN.
Skrg klo k mall mah byasa aj tuh liad makanan.

duH tQ yaH sis,,

aku Seneng deh! T___T >> aiR maTA Haru.
dari dLu mO diet GAGAL Trs!
SkRg daH tnanG deh!
dLu tahaN laper mpe Lemes2 bDn+PusiNg.
daH LuPa Tuh!

yg laen ga usa raGu2 deH!BnraN OK kok

ow iYa, bwt tmn2 yg lain.

untuk inFo nih,

G tuh asaL na ga knal ma yg jual.
trs seaRch2 d cri obat diet yg Bgus.
ga tw np yah pas Liad meizetang iNi, feeL g blg ni obt bgus n bs d prcaya.
Trs g lansung add YM yg juaL,
LSg nanya2 n deAL.
d Layani dgn baik, + brG nya cpt sampe^^
pas obat na dtenG lanSung g cobaiN.
n feel g ga salaH meMaNg!
klo obt2 yg lain g krg ykin.
tp klo ini dah yaKin bgt deh g, coz da TerBukTi.

g tulis cOmment ini atas dasar keinginan hati g sndiri.
g mao tmn2 yg Lain (yg klebihaB brt tubuh) bs nemuin titik terang ky g.
^ ^
coz g tau bgt yg namanya kelebihan berat tubuH tuh ga enk dr seGi fisik(susaH cari bju T_T gr2 ga ada ukuran+ga bs modis T_T )

n dr segi menTAL (sakit ati d ledek org gr2 buNdar).


ni obat hRga na terjangkau >>> hasil memuaskan!!

gud luck bwt tmn2 yg lg cb sama ky g =D

ShaRe2 cRita kLian jd yah..


thx yapH sis..

jourNey to be seXy!!

Best Regard,

Yen Yen
0819 - 11798837

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[iklan_cyber] KEJUTAN “FAST TRACK MONEY”......!!, 2/6/2009, 3:00 pm

Reminder from:   iklan_cyber Yahoo! Group
Date:   Friday February 6, 2009
Time:   3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Repeats:   This event repeats every day.
Notes:   Dear Netter….




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[jualan] (NUJU) cantik dan menghasilkan

haloooo semuanya...
buat bunda-bunda dan siapa aja yang pengen punya bisnis baru or bisnis tambahan buat nambah-nambah penghasilan..ga usah khawatir lhooo..
modalnya cuma Rp.39.900,koneksi internet,komputer dan printer udah bisa jalanin bisnis ini lho..
nantinya kita bisa dapet :
- web replika GRATIS
- E book GRATIS
- gabung milis
- tips dan trik online marketing
yuuukkkk semuanya klik di
jangan ketinggalan yaaaaaaa..


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Sopan-santun adalah kunci mendapatkan PELANGGAN.
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Pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan akan mendapat sanksi dikeluarkan dari anggota milis !!!

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[brg-gratis] (Nuju) Shiseido Black Mask

Shiseido Black Mask


Mengangkat sel kulit mati, komedo (blackheads dan whiteheads), mengecilkan pori-pori, memutihkan dan mencerahkan kulit muka.

Cara pemakaian:
Oleskan secara merata ke bagian muka yang diinginkan, hindari alis, daerah sekitar mata dan bibir.
Biarkan selama 25-30 menit (sampai masker mengering).
Peel off dengan hati2 dari arah luar ke dalam.
Dapat digunakan 2-3x dalam seminggu.

Jika hanya digunakan untuk daerah hidung, 1 sachet dapat digunakan untuk 5-6x, simpan sisa masker yang belum digunakan dalam kulkas.

Harga : 20.000/ sachet (min 3 sachet)

Info dan pemesanan hubungi(Reseller is Welcome ):

Yen Yen
0819 - 11798837
Email : Yen2blue@yahoo.co.id

Best Regard,

Yen Yen
0819 - 11798837

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[brg-gratis] [Nuju] : Tampil Cantik Dengan Palgantong Morning Set

BEDAK TABUR : Palgantong Morning Set

Palgantong Morning Set
Rp. 195.000


One Minute Make up Miracle
Palgantong Morning Set has made a big hit in Japan and Korea.

Palgantong Morning Set includes:
Palgantong One Touch Color Essence Cream (BB Cream) (15g)
Palgantong Theatrical Powder (Pearl Beige) (10g)
Cute Pink Pink Puff
Mini Cosmetic Bag

Dodo club's BB Cream (Blemish Balm Cream) is a 4 in 1 cream that's well known in the world. It has four functions (which is the completest among others BB Cream) that will make your makeup activities alot more easier.

The first function is as essential cream, which supplies nutritions for your skin and helps cure and sooth troubled skins such as acne problem and skin'n irritations.
Second is as sun care, with SPF-15, it prevents your skin from UV light that can cause black spots.
Third function is as makeup base, helps to refine your skin tone and protect your face from any dangerous chemical substants from other makeup products
And the last function is as foundation to your makeup to help your makeup stay perfect and oil free for all day long.

Suitable for all skin types and for most of skin tones and shades. Dodo Club's BB Cream also didn't oxidize on your face, and not causing clooged pores. Safe for daily use.

Palgantong Theatrical Powder
(10 gram)
Rp. 85.000


Palgantong Theatrical Powder

Bedak tabur Palgantong ini berasal dari Korea, dibuat dari bahan Ceramin yg diimport dari UK. Ukuran partikelnya hanya 1/2 dari ukuran partikel bedak tabur lainnya. Bedak ini membuat kulit wajah anda kelihatan lebih cerah dan bersinar tapi tetap natural. Makeup nya ringan, ga berat dan juga nyaman di muka, membuat kulit wajah Anda seperti "Movie Star". Bedak ini populer di Korea dan Jepang dan dikenal dengan sebutan "Star Powder".

Cara Pemakaian:
Gunakan puffnya dan tepuk-tepuk ke kulit wajah dimulai dari bagian dalam ke arah luar. Kemudian ratakan.

Selama lebih dari 10 tahun, bedak tabur ini digunakan oleh aktris maupun aktor di film, program TV dan drama Korea. Terjual lebih dari 5.000.000 pcs di Jepang. Bedak ini merupakan bedak tabur no 1 di Jepang.

Untuk pemesanan silakan hubungi: (reseller is welcome)
Yen Yen
Email : Yen2blue@yahoo.co.id

Best Regard,

Yen Yen
0819 - 11798837

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[brg-gratis] [Nuju] Komik Kungfu ! Impacabble Twin, Tapak Budha n dll

> hi pals,
> maniak komik ? pengen koleksi komik - komik lama tapi
> bingung mo cari dimana ?
> jangan cemas,
> " Comic Zone "
> " Melayani pemesanan komik - komik lama / second nih
> "
> " Tinggal sebut aja mo komik apa "
> " Trus angkong - angkong kaki deh nunggu kiriman
> nyampe "
> " Kami yang akan bersusah payah mencari & mengubek
> -
> ubek untuk mencarikan komik pesanan anda "
> Ini nih list komik yang ready stock ( bagi
> yang pengen komik diluar list ini silahkan
> kontek di 0819 - 11798837 atau email
> yen2blue@yahoo.co.id saya untuk dicarikan ya )
> Nb : Bagi Yang Bingung Dengan Email Yang Panjang Ini
> Silahkan Buka Attachment ya, ho3


> Dragon & Tiger 1 - 4 Real Comics Rp 48,000
> Gang Nan Story 1 - 8 Banzai Rp 96,000
> Killer sword 1 - 19 End Gramedia Rp 228,000
> Liang Shan Heroes 1 - 5 End 3L Rp 60,000
> Master Taichi Zhang San Feng 1 - 5 End 3L Rp 60,000
> Naga Langit 1 - 2 End 3L Rp 24,000
> Pedang Maha Dewa I No 1-73 End kurang no.1, M&C Rp 792,000
> Pedang Maha Dewa II No 1 - 33 End M&C Rp 396,000
> Pendekar Langit 1 - 3 3L Rp 36,000
> Pendekar Ulat Sutra 1 - 5 End 3L Rp 60,000
> Pukulan Geledek 1 - 72 End Gramedia Rp 864,000
> Return Of Condor Heroes 1-43 End kurang M&C Rp 372,000
> The Impaccable Twin II 1 - 44 M&C Rp 528,000
> The Legend Of Wesley 1 - 2 3L Rp 24,000


> Hina Kelana 11,14 M&C @Rp 10,000
> 3 Pendekar 1-4,6-25,27-28,30 Gramedia @Rp 12,000
> Dragon & Tiger Heroes 1-2,4-6,9-10,13-15,32-44 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Eagle Shooting Hero 6 Kumala Comic @Rp 12,000
> Imperium Majapahit 1 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Legend Of An Emperor 35 M&C @Rp 12,000
> The Return Of Condor Heroes 18,22-25,29-32, M&C @Rp 12,000
> Tapak Budha 3-5,12,16,18,22,25-27 Kumala Comic @Rp 12,000
> Tapak Sakti 8,10,11-14,21,29,39,46,57,60,64Gramedia @Rp 12,000
> Tapak Sakti Legend Continous 1-4,6 Gramedia @Rp 12,000
> The Four Warrior 1,9,15 Kumala Comic @Rp 12,000
> The Legend Of No Man's Land 1 3L @Rp 12,000
> Tiger Wong 72-77,79-80,84-96,83 Gramedia @Rp 12,000

> Tertarik ? banget dong ! Buruan deh sms ke 0819 - 11798837 attn Yen Yen > dengan menyebutkan judul, no,
> penerbit, pengarang dan jumlah dari komik yang
> diinginkan.
> Mudah kan ? ayo cepetan !

Best Regard,

Yen Yen
0819 - 11798837

Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat. Undang teman dari Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang! http://id.messenger.yahoo.com/invite/

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[brg-gratis] [Nuju] Komik Second ! Komik Second !

> hi pals,
> maniak komik ? pengen koleksi komik - komik lama tapi
> bingung mo cari dimana ?
> jangan cemas,
> " Comic Zone "
> " Melayani pemesanan komik - komik lama / second nih
> "
> " Tinggal sebut aja mo komik apa "
> " Trus angkong - angkong kaki deh nunggu kiriman
> nyampe "
> " Kami yang akan bersusah payah mencari & mengubek
> -
> ubek untuk mencarikan komik pesanan anda "
> Ini nih list komik yang ready stock ( bagi
> yang pengen komik diluar list ini silahkan
> kontek di 0819 - 11798837 atau email
> yen2blue@yahoo.co.id saya untuk dicarikan ya )
> Nb : Bagi Yang Bingung Dengan Email Yang Panjang Ini
> Silahkan Buka Attachment ya, ho3


> + One 1-5 End M&C Rp 60,000
> A * I Think So 1-8 End Dragon Prod. Rp 120,000
> A Thousand Heart Beats - Yuu Ito 1-2 End Elex Rp 24,000
> Akatsuki !! Otokojuku 1-2 Banzai Rp 24,000
> Alexandrite 1-7 End Elex Rp 84,000
> Alien Street 1-8 End Elex Rp 96,000
> Anastasia Club 1-4 End Elex Rp 40,000
> Angel Lip 1-9 End Elex Rp 108,000
> Angel's Voice 1-2 End Andhika Media Rp 20,000
> Appare Jipangu 1-3 End Elex Rp 30,000
> Baby Love 1-9 End Elex Rp 108,000
> B-Eyes 1-4 End Elex Rp 48,000
> Beyond The Beyond 1-3 Elex Rp 36,000
> Bunga - Bunga Cinta 1-4 End ~ Michiyo Akashi Elex Rp 80,000
> Canon - Chika Shiomi 1-4 End Elex Rp 48,000
> Cherry Hills Angel 1-2 End Andhika Media Rp 20,000
> Chim Chim Cherry 1-3 End Elex Rp 75,000
> Cinderella Collection 1-4 End - Rp 40,000
> City Hunter 1-38 kec 1,2,8,10 Rajawali Grafiti Rp 408,000
> Colorful Box 1-3 End Elex Rp 36,000
> Cotton Candy 1-3 End Elex Rp 36,000
> Delicious ! 1-7 End Elex Rp 70,000
> Diana - Kao Yung 1-3 End Elex Rp 36,000
> Diva 1-6 End Elex Rp 60,000
> Doki - Doki 1-4 End Elex Rp 80,000
> Double Next Door 1-2 End Elex Rp 20,000
> Dragon Pigmario 1-27 End Elex Rp 540,000
> Dream Kiss 1-4 End Elex Rp 48,000
> Dream Saga 1-5 End Elex Rp 60,000
> Fairy - Yukari Kawachi 1-2 End Elex Rp 50,000
> Fostine 1-4 End Elex Rp 48,000
> Four Daughter Of Armian 1-17 End Elex Rp 204,000
> Friends 1-3 End Elex Rp 36,000
> Fushigi Yuugi 1-18 Kec No 2 M&C Rp 204,000
> Gals ! - Mihona Fujii 1-10 End Elex Rp 120,000
> Game Rush 1-2 End Elex Rp 24,000
> Girl Diary 1-6 End Elex Rp 72,000
> Hanamaru Go! Go! - Chizuru Enomoto 1-2 End Elex Rp 24,000
> Happy Talk 1-3 End Elex Rp 36,000
> Harajuku Bambina 1-2 End M&C Rp 20,000
> Heaven - Oda Aya 1-2 End Elex Rp 24,000
> Heaven's Tear - Gwak Hee Jung 1-2 Elex Rp 24,000
> Heracles - Kao Yung 1-12 End Elex Rp 144,000
> Imadoki 1-5 End M&C Rp 60,000
> Jendela Orpheus 1-18 kec 8 Elex Rp 425,000
> Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne 1-7 End M&C Rp 70,000
> Karen 1- 5 End Elex Rp 60,000
> Kira's Labyrint 1-3 End M&C Rp 30,000
> Kodocha Child's Play 1-10 End Elex Rp 100,000
> Lady Georgie 1-5 End Elex Rp 100,000
> Lady Oscar 1-2 End Elex Rp 60,000
> Lady Victorian 1-20 End Elex Rp 240,000
> Legenda Naga 1-5,7,8,10-15,19,20-33,36 Elex Rp 580,000
> Legenda Pelangi 1-4 End Elex Rp 48,000
> Litlle Little Miracle - Nishimura Tomoko 1-2 End Elex Rp 24,000
> Love Spell 1-5 End Andhika Media S Rp 50,000
> Lover's Magic Tower 1-2 End Elex Rp 24,000
> Magic Knight Rayearth I No 1-4 End Elex Rp 120,000
> Magic Knight Rayearth II No 1-4 End Elex Rp 100,000
> Manatsu 1-6 End 3L Rp 72,000
> Milky Magic - Yukari Kawachi 1-4 End Elex Rp 80,000
> Mimpi Indah 1-3 - Rp 36,000
> Mint Na Bokura 1-3,5-6 End M&C Rp 60,000
> Miracle Girl 1 - 9 End Elex Rp 135,000
> Moonlight Night 1-8 End Elex Rp 96,000
> Mystery Of Love - Taeko Harada 1-10 End Elex Rp 120,000
> Nakayoshi Gress 1-8,12-14,17-18 Elex Rp 127,500
> Natasha - Waki Yamato 1-5 End Elex Rp 60,000
> Nishimuku Samurai 1-5 End M&C Rp 60,000
> Oh! My Darling - Ueda Miwa 1-5 End Elex Rp 60,000
> Pansy 1-11 End Elex Rp 220,000
> Parfait Tic 1-16 Elex Rp 192,000
> Perfect Hit ! 1-3 End Elex Rp 30,000
> Peri Setan 1-2 End Elex Rp 24,000
> Popcorn 1-25 Elex Rp 625,000
> Private Eyes 1-3 End Elex Rp 30,000
> Ring Memory 1-3 End Elex Rp 24,000
> Sailor Moon 1-18 End Elex Rp 540,000
> Scramble B 1-4 End Elex Rp 48,000
> Search For A Full Moon 1-6 End Sakura Comic Rp 60,000
> Seven Colour Girl 1-2 End M&C Rp 24,000
> Silver Valkyries 1-10 End Elex Rp 100,000
> Silver Toe Shoes Mari Chan 1-6 End Elex Rp 120,000
> Smash 1-2 End Elex Rp 24,000
> Song ! 1-10 End Elex Rp 100,000
> Squash 1-2 End Andhika Media S Rp 20,000
> Tears 1-3 End Elex Rp 36,000
> Tembang Cinta 1-7 Elex Rp 84,000
> The Love Season - Kao Yung 1-3 End Elex Rp 36,000
> Thousand Night Love Song 1-9 End Elex Rp 108,000
> Throbbing Tonight 1-30,Future Elex Rp 372,000
> Toe Shoes 1-5 End M&C Rp 50,000
> Topeng Kaca 1 - 9 End Elex Rp 225,000
> Topeng Kaca : Bayang Jingga 1 - 6 End Elex Rp 150,000
> Topeng Kaca : Bidadari Merah 1 - 8 Elex Rp 200,000
> Topeng Kaca : Sejuta Pelangi 1 - 10 End Elex Rp 250,000
> Topeng Kaca : Syair Lidah Api 2 - 5, 7 - 8 Elex Rp 150,000
> Towa Kamo Shirenai 1-8 End M&C Rp 96,000
> Wolf's Rain 1-2 End Elex Rp 24,000
> Wonder World 1-2 End Elex Rp 24,000
> Working Girl 1-3 End Elex Rp 36,000
> W-Pinch 1-4 M&C Rp 48,000
> Yu-Gi-Oh 1-11,13-24,26-38 End Elex Rp 432,000
> Yu-Gi-Oh 12,25 Elex Rp 10,000


> Manusia Serigala 1-6 End Elex Rp 60,000


> Asterix & Putri Rahazade - Rp 30,000


> ½ fairy Elex Rp 10,000
> 180 Hari lagi ! 1997 Elex Rp 12,000
> A Hundred Kiss Andhika Media S Rp 12,000
> A Hundred Love Elex Rp 12,000
> A Little Sadness on Moom Elex Rp 12,000
> A Million Tears M&C Rp 12,000
> Aku Jadi Ayah ~ 1998 Elex Rp 12,000
> Aliansi Yamato Nadeshiko Elex Rp 12,000
> Alice's time Elex Rp 10,000
> Android Love M&C Rp 12,000
> Angel Kiss ~ 1999 Elex Rp 10,000
> Angel Magic Elex Rp 12,000
> Antique Romantic M&C Rp 12,000
> Be Yourself Elex Rp 12,000
> Blood Agrement Elex Rp 12,000
> Blue Tears ~ 1994 Elex Rp 12,000
> Buku Harian Maki Elex Rp 10,000
> Caramel Crème Andhika Media S Rp 12,000
> Caramel Diary Elex Rp 10,000
> Caramel Milk Tea M&C Rp 12,000
> Cherish !! M&C Rp 12,000
> Chiko's wish Elex Rp 10,000
> Christmas Stories M&C Rp 12,000
> Close your eyes, my love Elex Rp 10,000
> Crazy 24 hours Elex Rp 10,000
> Daisy Magic M&C Rp 12,000
> Dear Miss Lourin Elex Rp 12,000
> Deja - vu Elex Rp 12,000
> Delicious Study ~ Yu Watase Elex Rp 12,000
> Dendam Elex Rp 12,000
> Desert storm Elex Rp 10,000
> Don't Tell Me ~ 2001 Elex Rp 10,000
> Double Heart Andhika Media S Rp 12,000
> Dream Elex Rp 12,000
> Enjoy Your Life ! ~ 2001 Elex Rp 10,000
> Etoile Girl Elex Rp 12,000
> Fallen angel Elex Rp 10,000
> Falling Heart M&C Rp 12,000
> Fantamoosh Elex Rp 12,000
> Fate ~ 2001 Elex Rp 10,000
> Fighting Girl M&C Rp 12,000
> First Love Elex Rp 12,000
> Flower Banquet Elex Rp 12,000
> Flowery Dress M&C Rp 12,000
> Flying Mermaid M&C Rp 12,000
> Forbidden Love M&C Rp 12,000
> Forever Friends M&C Rp 12,000
> Forever With You Real Comics Rp 12,000
> Fortune - Yukari Kawachi ~ 1995 Elex Rp 12,000
> Full Of Sunshine Elex Rp 10,000
> Game Of Love M&C Rp 12,000
> Get Up & Go - Yoko Shoji ~ 1999 Elex Rp 10,000
> Girls - Kyoko Hikawa Elex Rp 12,000
> Good Luck Hijiri Elex Rp 10,000
> Great Dish Up! Elex Rp 10,000
> Green Forest Elex Rp 10,000
> Growing Up Elex Rp 12,000
> Hanamaru's Kitchen M&C Rp 12,000
> Hanya Aku! Elex Rp 10,000
> Happy Bride ~ memi hoshino Elex Rp 10,000
> Happy Tomorrow Elex Rp 10,000
> Harmoni - Kyoko Hikawa Elex Rp 15,000
> Heart Swing ~ 2000 Elex Rp 10,000
> Help ! M&C Rp 12,000
> Higher Than Sky Elex Rp 10,000
> Honesty ~ 1999 Elex Rp 10,000
> Honeymoon Elex Rp 10,000
> Hundred Kiss Dragon Prod. Rp 12,000
> ion Elex Rp 10,000
> It's Call Love M&C Rp 12,000
> Janji Peri ~ 2001 Elex Rp 10,000
> Juliet Game Andhika Media S Rp 12,000
> kakakku Sayang - Yu Asagiri Elex Rp 15,000
> Ke Ujung Langit Elex Rp 12,000
> Ketika ~ satomi ikezawa Elex Rp 10,000
> Kimi To Scandal M&C Rp 12,000
> Kiss Me With Mint M&C Rp 12,000
> Klub Misteri Elex Rp 12,000
> Kuroneko M&C Rp 12,000
> Lady Mitsuko-Waki Yamato Elex Rp 12,000
> Lagu Cinta Akiko ~ machiko satonaka Elex Rp 10,000
> Legend Tales Of Singapore Elex Rp 12,000
> Let's Go!Honey Elex Rp 10,000
> Let's Go Idol! ~ yuki kimoto Elex Rp 10,000
> Let's Go To Paradise ~ 2001 Elex Rp 10,000
> Let's Volley Ball ! Elex Rp 12,000
> Little Cherry ~ 1999 Elex Rp 10,000
> Lost Dolphin ~ 2000 Elex Rp 10,000
> Love After School ~ 2001 Elex Rp 10,000
> Love Beat M&C Rp 12,000
> Love Is On Air Elex Rp 10,000
> Love Potion M&C Rp 12,000
> Luna In The Blue Space - Yu Asagiri Elex Rp 12,000
> Magic Of Love ~ anzu hizawa Elex Rp 10,000
> Marble Kids Elex Rp 10,000
> Marie Hilton ~ mariko takeda Elex Rp 10,000
> Marine Girls Elex Rp 12,000
> Meet The Boy Elex Rp 12,000
> Memory Elex Rp 12,000
> Milliam Blue Lake Elex Rp 12,000
> Minami No Jewel Shorai Rp 12,000
> Miracle Elex Rp 10,000
> Misteri di Kiyosato Elex Rp 12,000
> Misteri Sepotong Tangan Elex Rp 12,000
> Mr Friday - Kyoko Hikawa Elex Rp 15,000
> My Blzzare Love Story M&C Rp 12,000
> My Boy x My Love M&C Rp 12,000
> My Dear Elex Rp 12,000
> My Favourite ~ 1995 Elex Rp 12,000
> My Sparkling Prince's Magic M&C Rp 12,000
> My Way - Yukari Kawachi ~ 1996 Elex Rp 12,000
> Natural Angel - Rp 12,000
> News 6:30 Elex Rp 10,000
> Not For Kids !! Elex Rp 12,000
> Okita In Memory Elex Rp 12,000
> One More Chance Elex Rp 12,000
> Open Your Heart Elex Rp 12,000
> Otome No Saino/Bakat Seorang Gadis Raja Komik Rp 12,000
> Our Secret Elex Rp 12,000
> Paman Gober : Menjadi Kurir Tsar GM Rp 12,000
> Paradise Andhika Media S Rp 12,000
> Paradise Door ~ kumi makimura Elex Rp 10,000
> Paradise Wars! Elex Rp 10,000
> Part Time Kids Go ! Elex Rp 10,000
> Past Promise ~ 2000 Elex Rp 10,000
> Pinku De Iko Raja Komik Rp 12,000
> Pretty Boy - Yoko Shoji Elex Rp 10,000
> Princes Sakura Elex Rp 12,000
> Princess & I M&C Rp 12,000
> Private Lesson Elex Rp 12,000
> Promise In Summer ~ yumi kayama ~ 1999 Elex Rp 10,000
> Rahasia Taman Bunga Elex Rp 12,000
> Reach My Star ! M&C Rp 12,000
> Refrain ~ 1999 Elex Rp 10,000
> Rion's Salon Elex Rp 12,000
> Romantic Dream - Kyoko Hikawa Elex Rp 15,000
> Saint Roommate ~ ryo takase ~ 1999 Elex Rp 10,000
> Salamander - Yu Asagiri Elex Rp 10,000
> Say Yes! ~ 1995 Elex Rp 12,000
> Sayonara Elex Rp 12,000
> School Paradise Elex Rp 10,000
> Sea Foam Elex Rp 12,000
> Secret Hope M&C Rp 12,000
> Seika Super Police Of Nation - Rp 12,000
> Sejuta Bintang Elex Rp 10,000
> Sejuta Cinta ~ mayumi ishii ~ 1994 Elex Rp 12,000
> She's Kids! Elex Rp 10,000
> Sleep Walker Elex Rp 10,000
> Sneaker Age !! Elex Rp 12,000
> South Jewel ~ 2001 Elex Rp 10,000
> Sparkling Note Elex Rp 12,000
> Spirit Of Kodemari - Yu Asagiru Elex Rp 12,000
> Spring ~ yumi kagawa Elex Rp 10,000
> St Valentine's Bodyguard Elex Rp 10,000
> Strawberry Cake M&C Rp 12,000
> Strawberry Holiday M&C Rp 12,000
> Suki Suki Darling Elex Rp 10,000
> Summer Day Elex Rp 10,000
> Summer Song ~ 1999 Elex Rp 10,000
> Sun Flower - Yu Asagiri Elex Rp 15,000
> Sun Flower's Message ~ 1993 Elex Rp 12,000
> Sun Shines On You M&C Rp 12,000
> Sunshine On Your Hair M&C Rp 12,000
> Swear Love On Your Knees SS Comics Rp 12,000
> Sweet Bilingual Elex Rp 12,000
> Sweet Caramel Elex Rp 10,000
> Sweet Dream Elex Rp 10,000
> Sweet Love ~ yuka takase ~ 1994 Elex Rp 12,000
> Takdir Iori Elex Rp 12,000
> Take The "A" Train - Waki Yamato ~ 1998 Elex Rp 10,000
> Tapestry M&C Rp 12,000
> Telepathy Kiss Ciao Comics Rp 12,000
> The Beads Club M&C Rp 12,000
> The Girl In The Sepia Elex Rp 12,000
> The Holiday ~ mariko takeda Elex Rp 10,000
> The Peach Tree Elex Rp 10,000
> The Power Of Love Elex Rp 12,000
> The Secret Kiss In A Fairy Tale M&C Rp 12,000
> The World Is Yours Elex Rp 12,000
> Time Capsule Elex Rp 10,000
> Time Tunnel Elex Rp 12,000
> Tokyo Sabotage Elex Rp 12,000
> Tonoi's Bride ~ kyoko fumizuki Elex Rp 10,000
> Torn Angel Elex Rp 10,000
> V - For your Smile - Yuka Takase Elex Rp 12,000
> Wait For Me At The Opera ~ chiho saito Elex Rp 10,000
> Wedding Eve Elex Rp 10,000
> Whimsical Graffiti Elex Rp 12,000
> Wonderland Elex Rp 12,000
> Yang Tak Terlupakan - Yukari Kawachi Elex Rp 12,000
> Your Dark Wings – suetsugu yuki Elex Rp 10,000
> Your White Wings – suetsugu yuki Elex Rp 10,000
> Yuki Loves Yell Elex Rp 12,000
> Yume No Tsuzuki/The Dream Continues M&C Rp 12,000
> Zodiak Love - Yu Asagiri M&C Rp 10,000


> Api Kehidupan - Chikaki Kikukawa Elex Rp 10,000
> Black Shadow - Chikaki Kikukawa Elex Rp 10,000
> Darkness Myth Elex Rp 10,000
> Lukisan Merah ~ 1998 Elex Rp 10,000
> Magic Power - Chikaki Kikukawa Elex Rp 12,000
> Melodi Kaca Kanbayashi&Kirika–aki morino Elex Rp 12,000
> Misteri Lukisan Gulung chie watari Elex Rp 10,000
> Murderous Intent - Chikaki Kikukawa Elex Rp 12,000
> Nightmare - Ayuko Omi ~ 1998 Elex Rp 10,000
> Puppet Show - Ayuko Omi Elex Rp 10,000
> Run ~ 1995 Elex Rp 12,000
> Seara - Ayuko Omi Elex Rp 10,000
> Silent Scream chikako kikukawa ~ 1993 Elex Rp 12,000
> White Castle Elex Rp 10,000


> 21 emon 2 Elex @Rp 7,500
> 7200 Detik 1,2 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Adventure 1 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Alice 1-3 Elex @Rp 20,000
> Alpen Rose 1 - 7 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Aya 7,10,11,13 - @Rp 12,000
> Baby Love 2,3,4(2),7-9End Elex @Rp 12,000
> Banana Fish 10 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Black Cat 2-5,11,13,15-16 Elex @Rp 10,000
> Boy Action 17 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Breakshot 1-3,5,6,10,12,13,14,15 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Brilliant Magic 1-3 Andhika/Elex @Rp 12,000
> Candy - Candy 4,5,6,9 Elex @Rp 30,000
> Cardcaptor Sakura 2,4,6,8 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Cash Connection 2(,4 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Cash Girl 4-10 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Cerita Spesial Doraemon 3 Elex @Rp 6,000
> Chibi Maruko Chan 6,8,12(2),13 Elex @Rp 10,000
> Crayon Shinchan 10,24,29 - @Rp 10,000
> Dark Angel 3 Pentamedia @Rp 7,500
> Death Massage 1 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Delicious 7 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Detektif Conan Spesial 21 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Detektif Kindaichi 13,16,17 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Doki - Doki 2 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Doraemon 38 Elex @Rp 10,000
> Doraemon 42,44 Elex @Rp 6,000
> Doraemon Petualangan 16 Elex @Rp 6,000
> Dragon ball 2-7,9,13-14,19,22,28-29,31,33,36,37 Elex @Rp 20,000
> Dragon Ball(Rajawali Grafiti) 1-30,37 Rajawali Graf @Rp 15,000
> Dream Kiss 1,3,4 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Dunia Mimpi - Kyoko Hikawa 1-12 Elex @Rp 15,000
> Esper Mami 1 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Family 8-9 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Fruit Juice 1,2,4-7 End Elex @Rp 15,000
> Fushigi Yuugi 6,11,16 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Getsumei Seiki 4 3L @Rp 10,000
> Gold Fish 1 Elex @Rp 10,000
> H2 No 1,18,22,27,28 Elex @Rp 10,000
> Happy Hustle High 2 3L @Rp 12,000
> Happy Marichan 1 Elex @Rp 20,000
> I Love Boy 2-5 End Elex @Rp 25,000
> Imadoki 1 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Imperium Majapahit 1 - @Rp 12,000
> Inuyasha 5,12,14,24 Elex @Rp 12,000
> I'S 1 Dragon Prod. @Rp 10,000
> Jendela Orpheus 2,7,14 Elex @Rp 20,000
> Kapten Kid 5,6,8,9,12,13 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Kariage Kun 3,17,26 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Kira 1 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Kungfu Boy 5,7-9,12-14,17-20,25,30,32-37 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Kungfu Boy Legend 2 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Kungfu Komang 1-3,6,8,10-13,21,23,26,30,36 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Kungfu Komang 7,9,11-13,15-18,20-21,23-25, Elex @Rp 12,000
> Legend Of The Wind 6-10 Elex @Rp 20,000
> Legenda Naga 4,7,11,14,17,19,20,23,27,29,31-33,36Elex @Rp 20,000
> Legenda Yato 7 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Linden 1 - Waki Yamato Elex @Rp 25,000
> Little New York 3,4,6,7 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Love - Yu Asagiri 2, 3 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Love Hina 2,5 Dragon Prod. @Rp 15,000
> Love Street 5 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Lovely Marichan 1 Elex @Rp 20,000
> Magic Knight Rayearth 1 No 2,4,5 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Magic Knight Rayearth 2 No 1,3,4 End Elex @Rp 25,000
> Magnolia Waltz 2,3 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Maimy Angel 1,3,4 End Elex @Rp 25,000
> Mari Chan Bintangnya Cinta 1-6 Elex @Rp 20,000
> Merry Go Round 2,3 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Meteor Garden 20 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Milky Magic 3 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Min Min 1,2 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Miriam 1-4 Elex @Rp 30,000
> Miss Modern 1,2 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Naruto 14-21,24-25,28-30,34-41 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Natane 4-5 Elex @Rp 15,000
> New Kungfu Boy 3,9,11 Elex @Rp 10,000
> Nishimuku Samurai 1,3,5 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Nube 1,14,16,18-20 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Nube 8,23-25 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Offside 15,21,24,25,27,28 Elex @Rp 10,000
> One Piece 18,27-31,33-34,39-40.43-46 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Panic 2 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Pansy 5,6,7,8 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Parfait Tic 16 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Penguin Brother 3,5 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Peppermint Age 5 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Piano Hutan 10,11 Elex @Rp 12,000
> polaris 1,4 Elex @Rp 10,000
> Popcorn 18,22,24 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Power 8 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Princess 2-7,9-11,13,14,17,20,22,24,27 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Princess Army 2-8,10-12 Elex @Rp 25,000
> QED 22 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Ragnarok 7,8 Elex @Rp 10,000
> Rose Of Versailes 4,7,8,10 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Salad Day 7,11,13-16,18 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Sailor Moon 3-14,16,17 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Scramble B 2 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Secret Five 1-2 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Sentaro 10,20,24,25,27 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Setinggi Langit & Bintang 1-4,6,7 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Seven Magic 1-4,6 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Shanaou Yoshitsune 17,18,20 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Shoot In Memory 4 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Shoot Legend Of A New Age 1,4,11,12,13,16 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Silver Toe Shoes Mari Chan 1-4 Elex @Rp 20,000
> sky-blue scramble 2,3 Elex @Rp 10,000
> Slam Dunk 1-31 Kec 15,19,21-23,27 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Slam Dunk 1,2-5,8-11,14-16,18-19, Rajawali Grafiti @Rp 6,000
21-23,Edisi Khusus 2
> SOS 5,6 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Story Of Neverland 1 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Super Saint Phoenix 1-3 Gramedia @Rp 6,000
> Sweet Fuku Fuku 3 M&C @Rp 15,000
> The Law Of Ueki 9-15 Elex @Rp 10,000
> The Prince Of Tennis 1-6,8,10-34 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Throubing Tonight 1,5,10,14,15,19,22,23,30 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Time Limit 1 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Topeng Kaca Bayang Jingga 2-5 End Elex @Rp 25,000
> Topeng Kaca Bidadari Merah 2-6,8 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Topeng Kaca Syair Lidah Api 7 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Ufo Baby 9 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Ultra Maniac 5 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Western Shotgun 16,17 Elex @Rp 12,000
> W Pinch 4 M&C @Rp 12,000
> Yaiba 5,8,9,10,12,17 Elex @Rp 12,000
> Yokohama 1,3,4 Elex @Rp 25,000
> Yureka 1,2,3,5 Elex @Rp 12,000

> Tertarik ? banget dong ! Buruan deh sms ke 0819 - 11798837 attn Yen Yen dengan menyebutkan judul, no,
> penerbit, pengarang dan jumlah dari komik yang
> diinginkan.
> Mudah kan ? ayo cepetan !

Best Regard,

Yen Yen
0819 - 11798837

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